Tramontana outdoor tourist agency Beli (hereinafter referred to as: “Tramontana”) respects your privacy and therefore, shall protect your personal data. Data shall be collected and kept in accordance with the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation.
Personal data protection - general information
Tramontana respects your privacy and protects your personal data. Your personal data shall be collected, used and processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Personal Data Protection Act and other Croatian regulations in force, governing the personal data protection. We guarantee all our service users that we shall keep all personal information confidential and treat it as a trade secret.
This Policy Privacy regulates the handling of personal data accessed by Tramontana via a booking system, a contact form or through certain services offered to the guests by Tramontana itself, whereby Tramontana may gain access to personal information.
We collect personal data mainly for the purpose of:
- a more efficient reply to your enquiry
- ensuring the provision and payment of the service requested
- our internal statistical data analysis.
- informing you about our news and offers
Tramontana guarantees that it shall use the data collected solely for the purposes specified above.
The following data are covered by the Personal Data Protection Policy (Privacy Policy):
- Name, surname, place of residence, date of birth, personal identification number, ID card or other identification document number, nationality;
- Your stay-related information, including data on the facility you have stayed at, arrival and departure dates, products and services acquired, information on your service preferences (room type and similar);
- Additional information about you that we may receive from third parties we cooperate with (e.g. agencies, tour-operators);
- Payment or payment security procedures;
- Other data you indicate as confidential.
Policy Privacy duration
When you submit your data, you accept to be contacted by us and we will include you in our mailing list, meaning that, by accessing our webpage, you give us your express consent to contact you. Your personal data protection is permanent. However, you may ask to be excluded from our mailing list at any time. In such case, Tramontana shall stop using your data.
Privacy Policy contents
Your e-mail address and other data shall not be sold, let, or put at any third-party’s disposal, whether natural or legal, without your consent, for that is contrary to our Privacy Policy. Tramontana outdoor tourist agency abides by “no spam” strict policy. Should you wish to receive special offers and promotions from us, we will ask for your special permission. Tramontana shall not be held liable for any unintentional mistake or mistakes occurred due to force majeure, nor shall be liable for any other objective circumstance causing unintentional violation of the guaranteed protection of your data, but it shall ensure that such mistake are remedied as soon as possible.
We only collect personal data that have voluntarily been submitted to us and we use them exclusively for the purpose of providing the aforesaid services. You are not required to send us your data to be allowed to access our website and we shall not ask you to disclose more information than needed in order to participate in our webpage activities. Your credit card data provided shall be used only as a security instrument guaranteeing the payment of booked services and it shall be equally protected as the rest of your personal data. Such data shall no longer be used after the service is regularly provided and paid for, without your special consent.
By filling out our website forms you guarantee that the information you have provided is accurate and that you fully accept our Privacy Policy, as well as the terms and conditions contained therein.
Data confidentiality
When you visit this website, your personal data shall remain confidential, unless you wish to disclose them on voluntary basis. We undertake not to disclose the data provided to us to any third parties, except in cases stipulated by law in force.
A cookie is information saved to your computer by the website you have visited. Cookies may neither access data on your computer nor read cookies of other websites. We use them to collect additional anonymous information about your visit to improve the contents of the website. By using the website, you accept the cookies required for unhindered website operation. This website utilizes different types of cookies, provided below, to collect anonymous information about the visits in order to adjust the content display of other services: User cookies: short-term cookies used to adjust the contents of the webpage to the visitor) Other services’ cookies: _g* (Google Analytics, long-term cookies used for visitor statistics) Other services’ cookies: datr* (Facebook; long-term cookies used for fan contents display inside the page).
When you send us an e-mail with a question or a comment, or a form containing personal data that can identify you, these data shall be used for the purpose of fulfilling your requests.
Requesting certain personal data
In accordance with the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, Tramontana may not provide personal data to other users (third parties) without your consent, even if such data are necessary for their operations carried out within a business activity determined by law.
Data control
You are welcome to contact us at any time if you wish to view, update, correct or cancel your personal data. Until then, we will use your old data for the purposes indicated above.
Internet and web link service provision
Your use of the internet service at Tramontana outdoor tourist agency Beli shall be subject to the terms and conditions of use as well as privacy rules of the internet service provider. Our website may contain links to third-party websites. The company shall not be held liable for data collection and use by such third parties.
How we protect your personal data
We undertake appropriate security measures related to your sensitive data. When you inform us that your data are inaccurate or outdated, we shall correct them or update them without delay. You are entitled to request a copy of your archived personal data. You are entitled to request cancellation of your personal data.
Required response time
We use our best endeavors to fulfill all legitimate requests within a month. In the event of a particularly complex request or more simultaneous requests, we may require more time. In such case, we shall inform you about developments in that regard.
Amendments to privacy rules
All future amendments to privacy rules that may occur shall be posted on this website and e-mailed to you, if required. You are kindly asked to follow such amendments.
For further Tramontana outdoor tourist agency Beli data protection and Privacy Policy information, do not hesitate to contact us at
Ugostiteljsko uslužni obrt Tramontana
Robert Malatestinić, owner
Beli 2 Cres
Personal ID number (OIB): 84812944510
Phone: +385 (0)51 840 519
Tramontana outdoor tourist agency
Beli 2, 51557 Cres
OIB: 84812944510
Phone: 099 216 5011
ID: AR-AB-51-08010500497
IBAN: HR0224070001400001890 OTP BANK